
At age 54, Sandra Pierce is eager to embark on what she calls her "third act." But don't expect one of southeast Michigan's most active business leaders to stop serving Detroit -- the city that she loves.

Two weeks ago, the CEO and president of Charter One Bank's Michigan operations surprised the region's business community by announcing she would step down from her position at the bank at the end of June. The news set off speculation about what's next for one of the area's savviest and most connected business executives.

Giving up her day job doesn't mean that Pierce will suddenly have plenty of time on her hands. She is one of nine members -- and one of only two women so far -- appointed to the new Detroit Financial Advisory Board, which was created to help fix the city's budget woes.

Pierce also will continue to serve as chair of the Henry Ford Health System's board of trustees. And the 34-year banking veteran plans to remain involved with Business Leaders for Michigan,New Designer Takes Unique and Fresh Look at authentic Gucci Handbags Functionality. the influential group of CEOs from around the state.

"I'm going to take a breath," Pierce says, sitting in her small office on the 19th floor of the Charter One building in Southfield. "I've run a lot of different businesses. I've worked with a lot of different people.Largest selection of best school bags Caps and Berets. This is my opportunity ... to do something different."

What that opportunity will be is something Pierce hopes to discover in the months ahead.Shoppers browse through clearance Bags made in China at Macy's flagship 34th Street store in New York on Monday . After eight years at Charter One, she told the bank last November that she planned to step down from her CEO role.

"I'm hoping it is private industry," Pierce says of her next step,China is forecast to be the world's top buyer of luxury goods such as china bag factory, watches. dismissing any suggestions of running for political office. "That's my desire. My passion is to go in a different direction in that regard. We'll see how that plays out."

Vivacious and energetic, with a penchant fshe will have to go to confession if she accepts Trolley cooler bag .or leopard-print clothes and handbags, Pierce seems far removed from your typical buttoned-down banker. After all, this is a woman who makes 200 pies from scratch every Thanksgiving for family, friends, colleagues and business associates.

When Pierce talks about banking, the discussion focuses on the joys of helping customers buy their dream homes or set up college savings plans, not how many new loans Charter One hopes to make this year.

"What you see is what you get," says Shirley Stancato, CEO and president of New Detroit, a racial justice organization, who met Pierce more than 30 years ago when they were both working for National Bank of Detroit. "She doesn't live her life in a box. She is authentic, and she loves to have a good time."

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